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New arc hype!



Kite's revival as an Ant is kind of a spoiler and kind of not for those who know what I'm talking about. You guys just have to wait I guess..


Hunter x Hunter is so good and in my opinion is the closest to One Piece in terms of World and story. You need a 1000 episodes to completely explore the dark coninent.

Carl Andrew Bianzon

I don't recommend Colt going back to the village he personally raided for the queen's food.


Its messed up because that ant just has all of reina's memories and personality but isn't truly her.. idk it just feels weird. But should a creature that thinks, talks and behaves like her, while also having her memories might as well be considered "her"?


Y’all have no idea how much could be done with this show. I hate that he left it unfinished


These subtitles really suck, ill be sad if theyre used for the final arc. hard to immerse in the viewing experience while reading them