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So curious how things play out from here!


Boosted Inferno

Getting close too 130/131 absolute peak episodes I hope we get a doubleupload ^^

Saith Uchiha

I was in the middle of a tv show saw this and was like I gotta watch.


peak x peak 🔥




zest fell of hell 💀💀💀

Nick Obeso

Ron definitely misunderstood palm 😂 The mission for the chairman was to kill the king, it is only normal for them to react the way they did when palm saw the king with pouf due to her orb. It basically means they lost, the chairman was the only one capable of beating meruem.


Palm said that in a scared/worrisome/alerted way. Cause remember the hunters were banking on netero finishing the job, so the fact that the king is alive and headed their way, means netero died. That's why it showed all their faces looking shocked and worried.

Docta CLAW

130 and 131 should be mandatory upload knuckle. Sorry. I meant to say Ron


Someone explain the Netero worship to me that a lot of fans feel, because I'm just genuinely confused. Don't be mean please 😂. It seems like the only reason is because "he's strong." Is that it? Like we don't know enough about him, and if anything we should be scared of him based on the very obvious other side he showed when detonating the bomb, if the evil face and giant skull wasn't enough to show it. Not to mention Netero himself calling his own actions monstrous in his last moments. He's not exactly the kind, old master like Uncle Iroh or a Master Jiraiya lol. He's meant to show the brutal, "do whatever it takes to win" side of humanity when he detonated the bomb. Before he detonated it, he admitted defeat in an honorable way, but then showed humanity's monstrous side as soon as he knew he had a mission to complete, no matter what. Like it's very on-the-nose how Togashi showed this with his drawings, I'm not sure how it could be interpreted any other way 😂. I just don't understand the people who think he can do no wrong or that he was a friendly old guy just doing his job lol. Maybe it's one of those things where just because he's strong and disciplined, people like him so that they have a gym inspiration or something? Or grindset mindset? 😂


I dont think Ron been right about anything in any of the shows lol.


Easily 1 of the best episodes. But you mean Saturday, this was episode 128


I hate to break it to you, Ron, but Michelle is right again about Palm’s expressions

Jay rellim

i havent seen anyone be like "wow we love netero, that friendly old nurturing guy" lol it's mostly "wow he's so strong and badass" which was shown in his fight and flashback.

Jay rellim

they're assuming 130+131 hopefully drop on friday like the rest of us haha


Not sure about worship but I can say I respect him a lot. Not only was he the pinacle of power, he also willingly laid down his life to complete the mission and kill the king. He might not exactly be a friendly old man all the time, but we saw glimpses of his kindness early on in the hunter exam, towards Gon in particular.


i have seen exactly 0 comments "worshipping" netero. people just like him because he's badass and has insane worth ethic. Also, netero did nothing wrong by using the bomb. sure it isn't honorable to use but that doesn't matter. meruem was going to keep killing humans and to have a few of them that he deemed "worthy" to live on a tiny plot of land.

Nick Obeso

It’s a double drop 🙂 (trust me I know) so we will have both 130 and 131 next Friday!

Nick Obeso

Right! After watching them since the beginning you would think I should know that 🤣 he makes the most craziest theories too haha that’s why I like watching them

William Tippen

all i see is a paragraph of nothing but assumptions... just say you dont like him and move on

Hisoka Morrow

Well, he wasn't a kind old man, don't know where those idea came from. But he did being a funny, cheeky, dirty and tricky old man. I don't know if any people who worship him said that he can do no wrong. But, for me, as someone who like Netter a lot, his qualities were absurdly strength, devoted, gratitude, a pinnacle of human's evolution and represented both highest quality of mankind and bottomless malice. Though he's so entertaining and funny to watch as earlier of the show, but in this arc, we've got to know hi, through his action, he still doing for whatever to fulfill his dream, to battle the worthy opponent while carry on the mission for humanity survival. He wasn't kind, but of course funny and cheeky. So I appreciate his character as who he was so much.


Oh, Your Majesty! 🧚 I hate Pouf lol


wow Pouf said King's fortune, thats a good concept. I totally forgot about it.

rin okumura

:D its getting even better


it's really nothing too deep, people just think he's a cool and strong old man


Pouf and Youpi feeding themselves to the king in the dub was something else lol Swear they were twice as down bad, especially Pouf.


so close to peak

Michael H

The “schwing” of the Chimera Ant arc is finally here…

Michael H

Eh? Who thinks he’s just a kindly old man? Almost every character in the show describes him as cunning with an unpleasant personality lol. He’s strong, badass, and should totally be respected but not sure what all you’re talking about…


Guys, please watch ep 135 with another 1 or 2 like 133,134,135. Spam this for them to see it.


I barely noticed a huge ass ant rushing at me in the middle of the episode. Should I be scared..?


Ron is horrendous at interpreting facial expressions 🤣


The king’s foodgasm reminded me of Shokugeki No Soma (food wars) 😭😭😭 iykyk

Federico Toxqui

Tell me you dropping 130 & 132 together please

Matthew Styles

I love the contrasts in this arc you can see the ants (monsters) becoming more human and the humans becoming monsters


Eeeh, he's not a favorite character of mine. Togashi did a good job with writing him tho, so that is where my respect comes from. He also did a good job making sure someone so strong died.


I'm glad you guys found Pouf and Youpi losing it hilarious because most people I've seen are either uncomfortable or weirded out, lmao. I seriously can't wait for y'all to reach the end of this arc. Not to put pressure on y'all but I'm positive your reactions will be golden.

The Dark Knight (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-12 03:08:45 More peak incoming!
2024-03-12 03:08:45 More peak incoming!
2024-03-11 22:31:44 More peak incoming!

More peak incoming!


pouf is such a simp for the king

Spicy Mike

😂😂Man Pouf one hell of a character

Spicy Mike

Freaky azzz eps


I’m with Ron on this one haha