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Welcome to all the new subscribers, and a big thanks to all my current ones too!

Now that I'm fully focused on the short film, I wanted to give a PSA about how things will be moving forward until it's released, for your sake as paying members.

As you've probably picked up on with how frequent my releases are, I'm not the fastest content creator - I have to work in my limited free time outside of my job! So keeping that in mind, as well as the fact that I don't intend to release any other images or animations while I work on this video, and also that I'm aiming for it to be a few minutes long... My target release date is around October-November this year. I know that's a way off, but I want to give myself plenty of room in case things go wrong, as longer animations can have plenty of hitches in just the physics simulations alone!

It's really important to me that you're clear on this given that you're paying money:

There almost certainly won't be any content for the next couple of months. Please do not feel bad if you want to unsubscribe and come back when the video is finished!
I understand that times are hard and money is scarce for a lot of people, myself definitely included - without Patreon I honestly wouldn't have been able to get by on my job alone these last couple of years (I'm a little more okay now though so don't worry about that).

If you do want to stick around and continue supporting me, of course I will be immensely grateful to you. Some of you have even been here right since the start, which is really touching that there are people out there who like my work at all, let alone enough to pay me!

But, again to be really clear on this, it's going to be a while before you see anything new so please do unsubscribe if you don't want to be paying money with no return for a little while.

Thank you so much for all the support you've already given :) I do intend to give updates every so often so that you know I'm not gone, and also short-term I'd like to make a BTS video for the latest Cammy Photoshoot for The Long One subscribers. But otherwise... Thank you again, thank you for reading this, I hope this short film is worth it to all of you because I'm really trying to make it the best thing I've ever put out by a long shot.

Thank you for being here, have a great day,

PS lol accidentally rotated the jaw too high, don't worry she looks much better rendered 


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