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Ironic that Robert Townsend the man who did Hollywood Shuffle would also do Holiday Heart


I knew Jonathan majors looked familiar. He looks like a younger version of Ving Rhames.


Peace, Shemeka Michelle is batshit crazy 🤣🤣🤣. She tells on herself frequently if you are paying attention 🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


COJ your assessment of Jason being gifted and cursed is full on accurate. It's hard for me to watch Jason sometimes because of his repeated "Christianity" takes on issues. I like Mr. Whitlock but he embraces the global construct of the "Church", and I feel like it hinders him from assessing things properly at times.


Yep. I agree. He's become like a broken clock on repeat. Correct every once in a while but usually way out in space somewhere.


He comes across as disingenuous with his repeated mentions of 'God' even when a situation or a take doesn't call for it. He might as well be a televangelist. I think it's a schtick he's employing to delineate himself from other podcasters or sports talking heads.


Right lol she tells you that she needs a real man and not a weak one bc she will run a weak one if he comes her way as all women will


I totally agree with that, he's very disingenuous. That's the reason why he's hard for me to stomach at times. His viewpoints are normally OK, but once he begins to implement the 'God' talk he loses me: especially because I know it's the same ol' religious banter that ends up right back at square one. I would say that the 'conservatives' eat it up because he's speaking their language, religion with no true understanding of exactly what the Bible speaks of. He has admitted time and time again that he does not know the Bible. How can you speak about 'God' with no fundamental understanding of what the most High is all about? Just my take...


I really believe Jason is an ole Nigga trying to get into heaven (in my John Coffey voice) 🤷🏾‍♂️


Who is Jason Whitlock really? I mean this dude just casually has Donald Trump jr pop up on his show, He interviewed Donald trump prior to the 2020 election.. he’s a repeated guest on Tuckers show .. Idk that shii is weird to me … those are some serious connections.


They just need a black face to repeat the talking points every now and then. He’s more of a useful idiot than a strategic asset.


I find your videos highly informative and intriguing but the notion that ppl are essentially chosen from birth or at a young age to "live a certain life" is extremely far fetched and absurd. I agree with the premise of a "handler", someone placed into an "assets" life to nudge them into certain directions that someone behind the scenes may want then to go...But there are far too many variables to ever think all of these ppl are "mind controlled" from that young. I've seen alot of conjecture from you and you're deep interpretations but no concrete evidence that exists... It's like Stokley Carmichael said "you guys give white people too much credit"


He has not shown any pictures of supposed "mk ultra facilities", he has not listed any drugs nor procedures they use to "mind control" anyone, he doesn't list the areas where they take ppl...he simply says things like "xyz parent worked for the CIA"....maybe YOU haven't watched his videos, but I have


Hmmm. Interesting. So what do you think is really going on then? Please elucidate.


TRANCEformation of America by Cathy O Brien. Go read it, he’s mentioned and cited from that book like 100 times.


I mean the MK Ultra program is a fact, so whether or not you find it far-fetched is irrelevant


I would love a breakdown like this on military assets and how they’re monitored, moderated, etc…


Yeah, I can see that. It’s like he understands that he’s gained a lot from the wicked side of the game so now he’s trying to get right. Which isn’t bad, but the only way he knows how to do that is from what he’s experienced from the Christian Churches. To some degree, they can help people with general morality and good order. I remember being in the Christian church as a child, I did learn a lot about how to conduct myself a certain way and to have standards. Not all pastors are out to deceive and use. Most of them just don’t have a spiritual understanding of the scriptures and that’s why at a certain point of the game, “MEN” outgrow it and start to see a lot of other things going on. It’s like he’s trying to turn a blind eye to the fact that his experiences there aren’t really doing anything for him spiritually because it would mean he’d have to accept a different reality about his life.


And I believe this is the point: to push the ideological beliefs associated with conservatism, being aligned with good ole' fundamental Christian viewpoints. This is the 'American' way that Jason and many like him, actually believe in: that America is great and that through conservative values that this country will continue to stand and thrive.


I wonder what the first Christians were like socially. During the times of Nero, etc. I’d imagine them being vastly different from the obvious enlightenment period to now.


Hello COJ 144 hope all is well. Are you familiar with Billy Carson (4biddenknowledge)? I don’t have as much knowledge on the esoteric or the world as you do COJ 144 ,so I would appreciate if you could do a video debunking him . In addition to debunking him can you also do a video or a series that 100% proves the Bible as the Book of Truth left by the Almighty Creator? In doing so can you disprove all other beliefs and religions that aren’t Biblically based? I noticed that in order to identify the Truth you must also study the historical context. This is how I realized not to follow Islam because of the time it was created and the statements by former Jesuit Alberto Rivera which you have also touched on. You helped me in the past when you revealed to me the history of Islam which disproved it, I just ask that you can do the same for other doctrines while 100% proving the Bible. In doing this I will be able to become a full adherent to the laws of the scriptures without ever questioning if I’m following the Truth of the Almighty Creator. This would help myself and many others which are confused. Thank you


Kev row University on Youtube just went over this and more....come to class sometime




When you mentioned Demeter in this video (idk why auto correct capitalized it) the demonic movie that recently released came to mind. Might check it out.