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Kobe Bryant PUPIL OF LUCIFER! Post Mortem pt.1.mp4

This is "Kobe Bryant PUPIL OF LUCIFER! Post Mortem pt.1.mp4" by ChroniclesOfJudah on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



"See God gave us our talent but the devil made us famous" - Barry Sanders


This was disturbing to me in several levels . Just listen to him speak. How he enunciates his words, and how he tries to sound almost "professor like". It's a air of feminine, combined with arrogance and elitist intelligent attitude. This is exactly how flamboyant freemasons who are inside themselves think and stay there. Kobe is such a individualist, he can't see himself as one of "us". I like this effect to a teenaged female falling in love with her Pastor. The Pastor has her so much under his "spell", she starts to develop a glow. Fam, I don't know if any of you have seen this "glow", it's very scary to know that men of the "cloth" are capable of mind seducing these females and eventually have their way with them. A lot of times just out right make her his sex kitten. Just listening to how he was speaking, and how Jacobson was very loud and physically talking with Kobe, Brother, I think Jacobson was mind fucking Kobe right there on camera. This would be the ultimate mockery and once they showed "the ones" they needed to show how (whatever method used to break him down mentally) the subject was controlled, and that they could and would do the masses this way, they either put him down, (in the helicopter) or....took him off the world stage to be used later.


I have a question about the topic talked about around the 13 min mark. I can agree with what your saying but my question is since people who speak about opening the third eye always mentioning doing it by meditation, what is your stance on meditation?


Im glad I found your teachings/videos, helps me connect the dots with a lot of things that I always questioned or never believed in. Your De Vinci video is one of the greatest "truth" works Ive seen.


What’s the upload date on that video?? I jus got on with patreon...but one of his most informative youtube videos imo is the bitcoin topic. Check it out if you haven’t already...peace!


Okay I will and the video I am referring to is on his YouTube channel. It's an older one and the MLK one is good as well of course.


I know I may be wrong for this and very far fetched.. I just found it odd (besides him being a "GirlDad") that he wanted to train young girls. The deeper I think about it, the scarier it gets to me. Or maybe he made teaching girls a 1st priority because of his daughter. Either way, it's just odd to me. Just hope it wasn't some pedophilia sociopath crap going on.


NOT SEEING THIS COJ: Matthew 1: 18 NOW the birth of Jesus Christ was con this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, BEFORE THEY CAME TOGETHER...she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. ... And knew her not TILL she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name Jesus. this is as clear as air to me that Mary was a virgin and Joseph was not involved in the insemination of her womb on the JESUS birthing... Someone is gonna have to explain to me this rationale for Mary wasn’t a Virgin BEFORE birthing Jesus. I know the scriptures point to her having children AFTERWARDS.. but show me that specifically someone please. Go.

Trey Mmr

actually brother the word virgin in biblical terms just means to not be married. It had no correlation with sex as it does today.


Actually the word for virgin also applied to a woman who had not had sex. The LXX for example which is older than the KJV uses "parthenos" at Isaiah 7:14 meaning virgin(that had not had sex). Mary not being a virgin at at the birth of Christ is false 1 west doctrine.


And the fact that Mary was a virgin is NOT the immaculate conception. Here is what the immaculate conception doctrine is: Immaculate conception definition: The doctrine In the Constitution Ineffabilis Deus of 8 December, 1854, Pius IX pronounced and defined that the Blessed Virgin Mary "in the first instance of her conception, by a singular privilege and grace granted by God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the human race, was preserved exempt from all stain of original sin." http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07674d.htm


When you continue to read what the immaculate conception is it is a doctrine that Mary never sinned in her whole life or ever had sex.


"The immunity from original sin was given to Mary by a singular exemption from a universal law through the same merits of Christ, by which other men are cleansed from sin by baptism. Mary needed the redeeming Saviour to obtain this exemption, and to be delivered from the universal necessity and debt (debitum) of being subject to original sin. The person of Mary, in consequence of her origin from Adam, should have been subject to sin, but, being the new Eve who was to be the mother of the new Adam, she was, by the eternal counsel of God and by the merits of Christ, withdrawn from the general law of original sin. Her redemption was the very masterpiece of Christ's redeeming wisdom. He is a greater redeemer who pays the debt that it may not be incurred than he who pays after it has fallen on the debtor. Such is the meaning of the term "Immaculate Conception."


question to COJ. so do you believe jesus(yahshua) had a human father or that mary had relations w joseph but later gave birth to Jesus/(yahshua)?


Excellent. Thank you.


30:20 I always laugh at the same part. "You can tell that kobe like magic and all that! Lmaoo