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Joker Movie Review pt.2.mp4

This is "Joker Movie Review pt.2.mp4" by ChroniclesOfJudah on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



YouTube was easier to listen this Vimeo thing forces me to stay on the video I just like listening on my headphones


"As we can see, he has breastesies" lmfao this brotha is comedic.


Yea I know, I just play it in the background on my laptop.


Minute 45-46....wow


Ahhhh that’s why Michael B Jordan said he got his inspiration from Joker when playing Killmonger, Killmonger is Hapi


Am starting to realize that the 144 prophecy must be true because the next generation of Adam must be spiritually far superior than the current stock. It seems like The Most High is refining his stock through affliction and only keep the most pure. Lots of bloodlines (seeds) will be eliminated. Crazy!


This puts things in perspective when you responded from my last comment, and confirms what I have studied to be on point with what you explain in your videos. Looking over some notes I had, I read that every time Egypt was invaded, the invading party was more interested in the knowledge of the country’s pantheon of gods, than much of the wealth the country possessed. This (in my opinion) may lead to why idiots (Pro Blacks and nonbelievers) “believe” that the teachings and worship of the gods in ancient Kemet, predate the cannon order of the Bible, and birth of the King Jesus Christ. So now I understand why the teachings, and worship of ancient Kemet’s pantheon of gods are not really discussed on a global scale like that of Greek, Roman, and Nordic mythology. This makes the term Mystery Babylon teachings make more sense, because it’s “hidden” in plain sight. When you pieced together the part where it clearly states that Ganymede is an offshoot of Hapi, it put your first video in even more perspective. Peace.


I’m gonna be honest I just subscribed to Judah a few months ago because of his teachings about the liberal black woman and the “so called Black man” when he gets into the depths of the mystery School system of kemet I get lost lol I’m doing research but if any of you brothers have the time and patience please simplify it to me


If you're doing research then there is no need for anyone to simplify it for you brotha. You can start off with simple wikipedia searches, then look into some books that you can read about the ancient civilizations throughout antiquity. You will also have to read scripture and understand why it is completely disparate from these other belief systems and strictly for the so called blacks of the Americas and a few scattered throughout the globe.


He has many youtube videos that break some of it down. The rest you should research on your own to get better clarity of the information he parses out.


definitely agree with the two comments prior, it is hard to follow at first though. All the different names are confusing at first but its easier to understand once you get that they are all just different incarnations of the mother goddess, father god and divine child on the left hand AKA luciferian side...all just different cultures interpretations of the same few people


What I would do sometimes is listen to him on my phone, and in the other hand I would have my IPad. If there is any word or concept I’m not familiar with I would just look it up on google while listening to it. It really helps. It’s sort of like when you’re reading a book and come across a word you’re not familiar with, and look it up in the dictionary


After the breakdown on hapi, I recalled a character that was the vampire record keeper from the first Blade movie. The character was greatly overweight and referred to as “he”, but had breast, a high pitched voice, and was named “Pearl”, a woman’s name. The bringing together of opposites.


It's true. First time I heard the terms "benebdejet, divine hermaphrodite, harpocrates, horned god, khnum it was on Judah's channel and his patreon. The "problackitiblack" kemet brothers never talk about those entities.


As Adam and Eve are Divine Mother and Father figures. In the antediluvian world was there a 'divine child' figure as there was with Cush and Semiramis or was that not yet manifest until the time after the flood? Thanks for the vid Judah


i wouldn't say it is strictly for the so called blacks of the Americas, the scriptures state that the lost children have been scattered all over the earth.


AH the erect phallus is indicative of the sexual sin of Gen 9 when Khem or Ham saw Noah's 'nakedness'


Judah you stated that nations apart from israel that want to follow the Scriptures must 'fall in line'. Can you elaborate on this? what do you mean by fall in line?


Read the two babylons brother. The book should give you the basic understandings. Peace and love unto to you brother from God the Father and our Lord.


Yes akch. The Rebis. The bringing together of the red king and white queen.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-30 23:38:52 Meaning they must cleave unto the nation of Israel & follow tmh but they have to learn through us bc we are the only people who can teach in the spirit of truth.
2020-09-11 10:23:23 Meaning they must cleave unto the nation of Israel & follow tmh but they have to learn through us bc we are the only people who can teach in the spirit of truth.

Meaning they must cleave unto the nation of Israel & follow tmh but they have to learn through us bc we are the only people who can teach in the spirit of truth.


When you talk about mom and son surrogate relationships, I think of the show Power. I get a very uneasy feeling in regards to Tasha and Tariq’s relationship in the new spinoff show they’re doing.