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Hey all, lots of people have been asking about the status of Fairy Hunting Chp 6, just thought I should make a post to update y'all on it. 

Currently Raiha is still working on Fairy Hunting, we are both extremely eager to release the last chapter to all fans who are super excited for it! We do want to get this release to your hands as soon as possible.

While it might be possible for us to finish the release this month, next month might be a safer bet as Raiha does have other jobs in line besides Fairy Hunting unfortunately. Nonetheless, fingers crossed that he'll be able to get it done!


Pierrick Buffet

sorry for these questions above, it must be painful indeed. sorry and thank you for this information.

Pierrick Buffet

Question (maybe you say that but) why have you not announce for dex-train chap 3 is this patreon like you do always) ? sorry for this question


Ah, no worries about the questions! Thought I announced it, but turns out that I hadn't, so thank you very much for the heads up!


"last chapter"? i think you mean "latest chapter" *wink *wink