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Hey all, we have a bit too many suggestions this time haha, which is a good change, I think(?). Anyway, for this time I've added more options for the sake of making things more fair, though we might need to change things up in the future haha.

Anyway, for this time, we'll let the Top 5 options get drawn, so yeap yeap! Go vote for your favorite options! 


Mr moop



I kindof feel like there should only be one option for a specific series per poll otherwise you end up with some really popular series always getting multiple spot. Using this poll as an example I really think there should be only one MHA option and just save the other for the next poll. While I really do like MHA personally I don't really think its fair for one of the less common options to get shut out from being done because so many people love MHA and thus vote for both. Just my personal opinion, take it as you like.

Wolf Pig

I'm pretty sure Doggo has said only the top suggestion of a series will get made