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In a different timeline, the Kunoichi of Konoha served the village in a distinctly different way.

Even as fresh genin, the molding began for Sakura, Ino, Hinata, and Tenten. They would be gathered and given tags to place on their foreheads. Everything would then go blank. They would often wake in the morning in their rooms with hazy memories, vaguely recalling being led somewhere. Unknown to them, their bodies and minds were being reshaped. Their bodies became the playground for the village's shinobi...

As they transitioned into their Shippuden phase, the mind tags became unnecessary; the conditioning was complete. Their bodies and minds would respond as they had been trained. Even when they became pregnant, the village would conceal the pregnancies, explaining them away as "months-long missions." The children born would be raised as root agents, born from powerful individuals, devoid of family, history, or any trace of existence, were shaped into the perfect tools for the village.



疾風伝の段階に移行すると、心札は不要になった。彼らの身体と心は訓練された通りに反応する。彼らが妊娠しても、里は妊娠を隠し、"数ヶ月の任務 "と説明した。生まれた子どもたちはルートエージェントとして育てられ、権力者から生まれ、家族も歴史も存在の痕跡もなく、村にとって完璧な道具に形作られた。

Hmm, yes, I think I might have overdone it lol. But let me know if y'all are into descriptions like these or if y'all don't care.



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