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Hey all, so the poll results are out and it's interesting. Mostly in a "I have no idea how this thing works" way. So the top 4 we see this time are:

-Happy Happy Fruit Chp Ft. Boa Hancock

-Fairy Tail Flare (Fairy Tail)

-Pokemon Hypnosis (Pokemon)

-Konoha Kunoichi hypnotised and publicly used (Naruto, Shippuden I hope)

So first up, Happy Happy Fruit comes back out of nowhere haha. Why and how? Especially after missing the previous poll and ranking relatively low. Maybe the Gear 5 thing I keep seeing had something to do with it.

Next up is Fairy Tail Flare, so I do have an idea for this, we'll be doing it in a similar style as we did for Lucy and Brandish, cause a lot of you seemed to like that haha, so yeap yeap!

And then we have Pokemon Hypnosis, which is an on and off thing for y'all it seems(?) One minute it's on the lower rankings and the next we have it at top 4. "I have no idea how this thing works", not that I'm complaining haha.

And finally we have Konoha Kunoichi getting hypnotised and publicly used, honestly, I thought this would rank lower considering how touchy some people get about public use, but maybe it's a silent majority thing where most people don't care, they just don't make a big deal out of it?

Bit of a shame about the Hero Academia one though, it only needed a handful of votes to get in, hopefully we'll see it next time!

So as always, here's a quick run down on what we have in the works/ progress:


-Happy Happy Fruit Chp Ft. Boa Hancock - sent and Page 1 sketched

-Fairy Tail Flare (Fairy Tail) - Details sent, waiting for first sketch

-Pokemon Hypnosis (Pokemon)- Details sent, waiting for first sketch

-Konoha Kunoichi hypnotised and publicly used (Naruto, Shippuden I hope) - Waiting for the artist to finish up his current job

As for the doujins:

Fairy Hunting Chp 6 (Fairy Tail)  - 16/20 done

Trainer-dex Chp 3 (Pokemon) - 20/2x done (finalising, should be out sometime this month)

The spread Chp 3 (Original) - Artist working on Trainer-Dex right now

Demon Saga Chp 6 (Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba) - Details getting prepped


Mr moop

One day the mha series will win again

Ice rock bug Night

with aha collar will you do how each got caught then broken