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So we have another piece that's ready to be posted! Just got it yesterday, so it's kinda fresh out the oven? There's also another doujin that we're releasing! I'll drop a link for that in a couple!

I'll also get a new poll set up soon so things get done quicker.


Fairy Hunting Chp 6 (Fairy Tail)  - Storyboarding

Trainer-dex Chp 3 (Pokemon) - Resketch

The spread Chp 2 (Original) - 15/2x Pages done

Demon Saga Chp 4 (Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba) - Sketch completed 18/2x pages done

A haunted place Chp 2 (Original) - Most likely dropped due to very poor sales


-Hero Academia Orgy (Done)

-Akame Ga Kill Girls controlled (Sketching)

-SAO girl corrupted (Sketching)

-Fubuki and/or Tatsumaki fighting hypno monster (Done)


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