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Heya guys, sorry for the delay! Finally managed to finish the edits and word setting/ typing as well as tweaking/ removing some minor details for a more consistent flow. So let's jump into the intro haha.

The story follows Tateo, a demon that's travelling across the land with his companion. It won't be too detailed on some aspects cause I know some of you guys don't want spoilers for the main anime haha, but generally expect something similar to Fairy Hunting! It's a bit more "serious" compared to Fairy Hunting to fit the tone of the source, so I do hope you guys enjoy it!

The links are below and I'll have the link removed after the month ends! Think it might be more convenient for you guys this way! 

Download links:

Links removed, March is over, thanks for your support guys!

As always, let me know what you guys think! I really mean it when I say this haha, have pretty high hopes for this one!




Great job as always dude