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Thought I would drop a small peek of what's to come haha. 

Surprised, confused, disappointed, expected it?

Let me know what you guys think yeah!




Any focus on Wendy is a negative for me, but I guess you might have to do it to appease other people? Just be very, very careful regarding loli content. It's one of the few things patreon and I agree on, in that it's not appropriate.


Ah, yeap, I understand! A big reason why I held the survey and have the sales done off-site is so I can see if people are actually interested or if it's just something a vocal minority want. It won't be something that someone will buy "accidentally" so no worries!


wow that's a lot of hatred against lolis, personally I think its fine to address different kinds of audiences. Don't get me wrong, I'm not into loli as well but I'm fine with a .5 chapter