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Hey guys, just a reminder that this Patreon will no longer be paused! If you wanna unpledge, it might be a good time to do so! 

However, if you like what we're doing here, feel free to support us haha, it'll be awesome if you do, the Arknights short story will be coming out in May and a Nano-control comic in June! There's also a Subscribe Star account if you all are more into that. 

Sorry I can't keep doing the free stuff, can't really afford it cause I also need to pay the artists. 



Hey just wondering when ur planning on continuing the fairy tail story


June? Hmm, i liked the Fairy Tail doujin and i might pledge once the next chapter is out. Bunny girls are not my cup of tea though so im out for now.


Out of curiosity do u have a general idea of how many chapters there will be in the ft story?


Oh, it really depends on if this Patreon survives haha, we currently have 2 chapters completed, with the 3rd one on the way, if it doesn't go well, we'll end it sooner, but if this Patreon manages to stay afloat we'll go into getting more girls haha.


Ah, understandable! Sorry for the tardiness, don't wanna push the artist too hard haha.