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This is the story of a young upstart challenging a veteran for sexy man clout.  My goal was to finish it in 4 weeks and I did it in a shade under.  I've tried to write short fight scenes with threadbare premises for the purposes of fun short projects before, I think this one clicks nicely.  It's not intended to be the first of a series or anything like that, but if you'd like to see more eccentric manwhore battles let me know.  I chose to make it because surfshark asked me to make an ad for them before Black Friday (there's no ad in this video I haven't made it yet).

My project list at the moment is:

Meth Orcs: The Stench of Failure - It's about half done, perhaps slightly under.

After that I'm thinking of making Gazza of Penrith, which is basically what if The Witcher was Australian.

It's too far in the future after that, but I've got some diverse cartoon ideas, including a Ragemelon reboot (if anyone doesn't remember him he's an angry melon...but what if he was also a soldier in the Vietnam War???), a story about a wizard foot fetishist, and a new Sweet Boy Beach idea.

Thank you for supporting this project!  I hope you enjoy it.  If you're more interested in Meth Orcs, I'm resuming it now.

(I will post the soundtrack and MP4 tomorrow)


Dairymancer (for patrons)


Pizzamancer, Lord of Toppings

I had a hard time not staining my underwear with pleasure while watching this. This is peak SexuaLobster. You've gone and done it again you magnificent beast of a man. The Guild of Mancers approve of this. Thank you for shining a light on an otherwise thought lost art of -mancy. May Dairymancy rise again and be practiced once more.


thanks Pizzamancer I'm glad you liked it! It's got me thinking about my Pissmancer character and how a clash between him and Fernando would go, (although animating liquids is time consuming has never been my strength)

Erik Henson

Lovin' the DBZ vibes. Fernando is my favorite character of yours, so I would love more Manwhore Madness.


I'm probably dating myself here but I think my first introduction to the insanity was "Saten vs Jezus" in a more civilized time. I've tried to introduce my friends to your content many times with varying success. The more mainstream stuff like Meth Orcs usually got a positive response. Trying to induct people into the Fernando cult has always been a challenge amongst the lets say more "insecure" people. I guess I'm enough of a degenerate that I enjoy it all enough to donate money for more but it's definitely a tough audience to get new people interested in. I suppose that is why fine art has always needed patrons.


Thank you for trying! One day I'll come up with something that a) is popular among new and old viewers, b) isnt extremely time consuming to animate like Meth Orcs, c) is good and d) has fuel for lots of episodes. I haven't cracked that nut yet.