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Fernando and the Phallus in the Sky henceforth referred to as "skydick" is coming along pretty well.  Usually at this point during a project I start to dislike if not hate it and question my judgment in starting such a horrendous enterprise but that hasn't happened this time so that's a good sign.

I would like to finish it by the end of the month, it's looking kinda unlikely at this point though.  

Up until this week I thought I might be making a Great Destiny Man series (of shorts, not  full length episodes) for an American network.  It got pretty far, they were really positive and I was even sent a schedule of delivery at one point (which was pretty brutal), and then a loooong wait and then BAM, not happening.  They did say maybe in the future but it was essentially a rejection.   

If you don't know what I'm on about, Great Destiny Man is an old old character a friend of mine invented.  My final year film at uni  was about him and I made a sequel 2 years later that was five times as long and not as good.  People usually react by saying "Steven Segal" or "Samurai Jack".  Neither resemblance was intended.  If I ever do bring him back I will be tweaking his design so he doesn't resemble either of them.  Not that I think he does resemble Segal very much, Segal has VERY THIN EYEBROWS.



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