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I'm almost properly back on Gnomes cartoon, just 1 or 2 days more of work project to do, but given there's not much of the month left I have paused Patreon again.  No one will be charged on July 1st!

It's been nice animating leathery old piece of shit Uncle Warren again.

His weird jacket thing billows slightly in the wind as he purposefully strides.

I've gone back and forwards on what to make afterwards.  There's a cartoon idea set on Pleasure Island where Gooseman needs to solve the mystery of who put laxatives in the buffet breakfast at the resort.  He's the only one left standing because he skipped breakfast.  And another set in the mountains where Fernando and Gooseman are pursued by a criminal gang because they stole their crazy beans.  But I think having made so many Fernando and Gooseman cartoons in the last 2 years I think I will give them a break.

I was also thinking about a sketch show idea animating my favourite comics that I've never animated, but I think I will make a Meth Orcs instead.

I've written a sequel to the last Meth Orcs about Treshtog trying to claim the meth Fanny promised him for saving her life, only to be eaten by an assassin.  It's cool but I wasn't able to resolve it succinctly, it would be 7-9 minutes if animated and it's full of action.  

I think instead I will make another Meth Orcs idea which doesn't include Fanny Ranger and is not a sequel to anything and is a more standard 4ish minutes.  If the series continues to thrive there's no reason I can't continue Fanny's story later on.  

It's called SOUP ZONE, it's about Treshtog and his friend Blegnorb encountering a futanari witch who lures people into her lair with free soup and then casts genital altering magic on them.

Also!  The Gooseman toy has been approved.  He looks really good!  I think they will send me one soon and I can start making promo materials with it.  I think it will go on sale in August.



That clip's pretty exciting for how short it is. It's the music.


The laxatives mystery hour sounds like it could be a ton of fun from a scripting stand point since you can make up a lot of silly characters for gooseman to interview and try and solve to problem without too much crazy animation. Plus from a lore perspective it's important to flesh out the Pleasure island criminal and legal investigation system so the world fills more real :P


its pretty heavy on the action. some brawling and lots of whipping. theres a guy that fernando owes money and also a bunch of gimps