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The premise of this scene is that Gooseman wants to pivot to making content for zoomers and Fernando wants to know what they like so he can appeal to them.

One thing that will probably stick out to you is the art Fernando is looking at.  I'm hoping that I'll be able to have a mosaic tile censored version on youtube, with an uncensored version on Newgrounds.  I uploaded an unlisted censored version and it didn't set off their adult content algos so who knows I might get away with it.

This is an early shot that I've left unfinished because I completely messed up Gooseman's walk.  He looks goofy as hell and I'm gonna have to redo some of it.  The door part is fine and the sitting down will work but how he gets from position A to B is not so good.

If you bought a Fernando toy, they are made now, and will ship out earlier than expected (probably mid May).

I'm really pleased with how Meth Orcs went and a bit surprised by how little by comparison Gooseman Runs for Office has been viewed.  The disparity is quite large.  The two projects are very different in content and tone sure but still I thought there'd be more interest in GRFO.  It felt like dropping a pebble into the big content void and waiting for 20 seconds before hearing a tiny plop.  After Where did the Gnomes go? I'm planning another Meth Orcs called Gun Imp (or possibly Gem Wallet).  This one will be another doozy, probably the longest one yet.

I'm going to do some storyboarding work for most of May so I will once again be pausing patreon next month.  No one will be charged on June 1st!


Gooseman shows Fernando some yiff



Wow was not ready for that art... I also was expecting from the funky beat for the video to turn in a Fernando rap about yiff and gnomes. "Ok, let's get down to the chase,18-24 males, what makes them jizz? Some might say it's their love for the race. Of tiny creatures known as gnomes, that's the fizz. These fellas can't resist the charm, of a pointy hats that will raise alarms." Insert gooseman autotuned Oooooooh overtop of an synth beat


I like the name Gun Imp. It grapes my attention.


The exponential growth of the furry fandom has been wired. I remember back in the 90's when it was possible to view all the publicly posted art that week in an evening, even on dial up. The party decade it already got to the point where it's impossible to keep up in real-time on just a Twitter feed. Now with all the furry ML models we've being training, it's entirely possible to do infinite scroll offline.


there was a party decade? i'm not sure i understand your last sentence, machine learning models? are you talking about AI yiff or am i way off?


I'm sure the fantasy setting of Meth Orcs helps it draw in a wider audience, but I've rewatched GRFO quite a few times myself. The Gooseman stuff probably appeals more to longtime fans of the characters.

Jake Steampson

As an 18-24 male with a deer, a sergal, and a MiG-21 MF sonas (all of which I have commed porn of), I can confirm lol