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I'm going to pause patreon for a month, no one will be charged on April 1st!

I was asked to design some characters for a fellow I used to work for, and I agreed, thinking it would take 1-2 days.  However the amount of designs he wants are far greater than I expected, so I have spent a few weeks this month drawing for him.  I will probably still spend the final week of this month on Where did the Gnomes go?

I've roughed out an animatic and have started animating the first few shots. It contains a mini music video (or a longish montage if you prefer), I have ideas for the music but for now I'm just noodling ideas for it on my guitar.

Hopefully Patreon doesn't ding me for adult content here.  Fernando is trying to wrap his head around why zoomers don't watch his videos (it's cause they're too busy jacking off to sexy planes).

WIP of the establishment shot.  Background is unfinished, Gooseman will have a shadow and I'll probably add some passing cars and slight camera move in.  I'm hoping the neon lettering in the shape of a big jizzing peen at timecode 0:00 won't set off youtube's censor algos.  As ever, I'm prepared to take a small risk for the sake of smut.

Here's my size comparison drawing for the Gooseman plush toy.  I'd like the two of them to be height and girth accurate for the people who purchase both.

Here's their design.  Gooseman lacks a cool feature like Fernando's removable singlet (his tie will be separate from the body), apart from his pink shirt outfit he just wears a singlet or green shirt sometimes.




Love the sexy planes 🤭


I just love how big the planes smile is what a happy airplane.