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Every so often I try to make this song work again.  This version is much better than the previous versions because it's in a key that works for my voice, the last version was too low and the previous two version were too high.  The first version is quite old now, but I am motivated to finish it because I've had a nice idea for a music video.  I'd like to do it in the fabric overlay/tapestry style like in this shot from Vile Little Goblin.  Maybe on old paper rather than fabric, not sure yet.

Even so, the song is not quite there yet, the guitar is a bit clunky and I could do better with some of the lines.  

A few days ago I started working on Meth Orcs: Cat Out of Luck again.

I was just thinking about how it's been over a year since the last one and I shouldn't leave it too long or everyone would forget, and realised that I was keen to work on it again.  I spent about a month on it back in February but flaked out because of all the action shots.  It will take a while but I believe it will be good!

It feels good animating Treshtog and Fanny again.  I'll finish Gooseman Runs for Office after Meth Orcs now.

I'm still positive for covid but I feel normal again.  Still coughing and blowing my nose but I'm ok now.

I hope you all have a nice christmas/holiday period!




Hopefully your taste has come back too, or at least it's in the process. Glad you're well on the mend, and hope you enjoy your holiday as well.


I think my taste is more or less back to normal but I gave it to my GF and although she didnt get as ill as me shes been tasting metal for 4 days now.


Happy holidays man!