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My Mother in Law is a Scorpion happening this week!  Like, 4 or 5 days.  Gotta fix up backgrounds and put some polish on the song.  

Tried out some harmonies and also falsetto, which is a first for me.   When I've tried harmonising in the past I've done it in my safe zone low notes, and its sounded a bit rubbish, or very rubbish perhaps.  It seems singing high is the way to make it work.  But the separate takes mask the awkwardness of each other I think.  Not sure if the falsetto really adds to it but it was something I wanted to try.

Anyways, I'm all set up in my new place, which is larger and does not have rancid old carpets that stink if you shut the place up for 3 hours.  Not in a hurry to move again, that's for sure.

When I finish this cartoon, I'm going to put some more time into my Sweet Boy Beach project, (see previous post).  Hopefully I can come up with something that works as a film and proves the idea can work (or proves it can't) before christmas.

On this topic kinda, this video by the game theorist explains why my channel has sickened and shrivelled over the last few years, and why content on youtube is becoming increasingly corporate.  Very illuminating factual video.  The session time thing I've known about since 2013 (it is why I had a great year in 2013 and every year since then has been a struggle when it comes to views and subscribers), but the daily activity thing is new.  Makes me wonder, even if my Sweet Boy Beach  content experiment was good, will Youtube even promote it?  Using that technique I believe I could make a decent cartoon once a week, but certainly not once a day.



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