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Somewhere near the equator a factory will soon make a spec Fernando plush toy.  It will have a spear and *might* have a removable singlet.  If you'd like to be notified by e-mail about it visit https://greasytales.gimmeswag.com/ (but I will also post about it here and will make a video when it's available).

I think this shot has turned out well, the line is "Running in the moonlight with actor Gary Busey".  It's not quite finished, I will add more interesting shadows rather than ovals.

When I drew Gary I searched his name for some references and discovered he was charged with a sex crime a month ago.......   I'm leaving him in the song though.

This is the only shot with goblin ladies in it.  Certain individuals on discord have let me know they're interested in seeing "goblin short stacks", which are unusually voluptuous goblins, but I went with more normal designs.  Can't go down every road. I enjoyed painting a very basic goblin tavern background.

I did however draw a juicy troll.  I used the bird from the end of Great Destiny Man and the Forest of Doom.




Excellent work so far! It looks fantastic and I can't wait to see how it all turns out! Good choice on ignoring those weirdos wanting their vile fetishes in a piece of art! Where are we?! Pleasure island? No the real world has no use for such things. The only complaint is your Gary Busey looks too normal and not enough like a deranged lunatic but over all keep up the great work!


If only I had the strength to ignore the weirdos every time. Once I started drawing Gary I felt bad about accentuating his unusual face since I know it is because of an accident, for sure could have gone harder.


Did not know that about Gary Busy who could think the star of the hit movie "Bunker of Blood: Chapter 8: Butcher's Bake Off: Hell's Kitchen" would do that and in New Jersey. Looking forward to this cartoon and a Fernando plush will be great but I would need some extra yogurt if I buy it.


Fair enough, I would love to arrange a collab with a yoghurt company but i'm not sure how yoghurt would fair being shipped internationally.

Will Hobson

The Gary Busy shot is one of my new favorites. This is going to be awesome. Makes me want to start my DnD habit back up.


At its best I had a lot of fun playing DND but we had a real player retention problem.

Will Hobson

I'm the Forever DM, because no one I know plays it enough to know what's going on, and I barely do, so I'm it. Pretty proud of the 3 session campaign I made where the characters had to go to a rat-owned tavern and remove the humans in the cellar that were cooking up PCP(Pulsating Constitution Potion).


My friend was in a similar situation he wanted to play as a player but none of us knew enough so he had to DM for us. Although I think I would enjoy DMing there is a daunting amount you're supposed to know.


Keyphrase: "Supposed to". Many a successful session has been built on the backs of improv and "wingin' it". If you feel the desire, I say go for it; just be sure to have the core books, their reference gets used even by seasoned DMs.