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My hometown Brisbane was severely flooded last week, the water came within sight of my house.  We lost power for three days so my work week was obliterated

Down the street from me.

It's a small thing but I was really frustrated because I'd just started a new project and I was getting into it and had to stop on day 1.

I've started Gooseman's Very Wet Jamboree.  The idea involves two videos.  The first plays the first verse of a song, asking the audience to suggest the rest.  The second video will be a music video for said song and include the first part of yet another song, so each episode contains a music video and a song fragment which will become a new song.

My idea is for the two videos to be one patreon project together, and subsequent songs to not be patreon projects because they will heavily reuse the assets created for the first one.  I'd like to include the patreon credits in the second video, the one with the finished song.  

I'm not sure if I'm explaining it well, it's something I haven't tried before and it could very well faceplant!  I've made two crowd written songs recently though (Lovely Walrus & Mushrooms) and I feel confident I can take the idea further.

What about Meth Orcs!!??  I've animated probably about a third of it, I was starting to feel quite stressed about how long it was taking me and I got to a point where I feel I need to shelve it and try something new.  I've done way too much of it to not finish it, I will return to it with energy after I finish this new project.

New Fanny Ranger dance sketch and finish.




Sounds like a plan to me. I think it will be good to try something new like this and see where it goes. Hope you stay safe.


Sorry about the loss of work, hope you and your family were safe from the floods.