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The title pun has nothing to do with the cartoon, I'm just stretching for meth puns (almost titled this post "unread methages" which is pathetic).

It's going to be a bit hard to share gifs of this project without spoiling plot points, the title gif happens right near the start so it's part of the premise I guess, when you describe a movie to someone I think it's ok to spoil the first five minutes in order to get them interested.  There will be spoilers in all future episode posts though.

Most gifs are unfinished, I want to go over where Fanny is grabbed by the wyvern's claw, it's still v1.  The background has a hill that just ends in a tree.

There's a lot of wyvern shots, so far I think it looks good from a distance.  Let's see if I can do as well with close up shots.

I'm not going to explain what's going on here, draw your own conclusions.

The shot I'm going to start today introduces what some people will consider the stars of the show...


I was going to have the main guy be an archery catboy but the first catboy 2 eps ago was an archery catboy and I realised throwing knives are way easier.  Animating the catboy pulling an arrow out of the quiver, nocking and firing was brutal, I'll avoid that if I can.

Catboys don't fare well in this cartoon.

I think I'll probably run late on this one because there's a lot of action but I'm certain it will be a worthy ep in the series.  I hope February is treating you all well!




Have you already used "It's time to stop meth-ing around"?


*insert joke about inflation fetishes here* I'm drunk and can't think of something that won't sound insanely in poor taste