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This is a probably one off roleplay episode of the FAP podcast (after 4 year hiatus).  I wanted to do it because out of the relatively few roleplay scenarios from the podcast (one of which is the source material for the latest cartoon), several of them were interesting and animation worthy.  (I'd really like to animate the one set in Tony's Misty Man Den where they milk a rich guy's nipples but I don't think I will because it's pretty raunchy and too large of a project.)  I doubt this one would make a good cartoon though.

This was a fun thing to revisit, I am unsure whether it is interesting or not so if you do listen to it and find it enjoyable let me know, thanks.  (I'm wondering if I should upload to my main channel or just put it on the second one.)




Really appreciated the almost nostalgic memory of the episode, though I missed the part with Fernandos skull fucking 😂 Maybe a bit too brutal. I really like your animations and the voice acting, you‘re a fantastic artist!


Thanks for doing this. I really like the podcast. The roleplay section was fun as always but I don't really consider it to be much better than the rest of the show. As long as there is great banter between the two lads I'm extremely happy.


wow, has it really been 4 years? Ah the memories!


That was great, I love these! Whatever the format, having Fernando and Gooseman together is always a treat.


I certainly wouldn't say that! you made some amazing cartoons in that time and helped animate at least one kids show; Bluey that my nieces really like. I'm sure whatever escapades you got up to on the personal front were just as exciting and interesting! Hopefully nothing too debaucherously devilish as that drawing stylus of yours can't be shoved anywhere unreachable as it would mean you couldn't draw anymore!


I think it was good enough to have on the main channel if you're comfortable with it.


This is hilarious! Literally crying with laughter. I needed that. Keep up the excellent work!


I listened to your podcasts when they came out originally and always thought it was a shame they got discontinued. i remember asking back then why you removed them from youtube. you had a valid reason is all i remember, still i thought it was quite the shame. i would love it if you would make more of them but i do understand the amount of work that goes into them. i also like the fan letters section of the podcasts, i still want to ask Gooseman about the nature of the chairhumping in the musicvideos :) I just wanted to say thanks as well, for all the quality animations you have given us over the years, you are and always will be one of my favourite animators.


I had a different reason to try this one, as a kind of writing exercise. With the original podcast the output wasn't worth the input of time, after seven eps the novelty had worn off and it was a LOT of audio editing. Energy from listeners was less each time. Thanks for your kind words, hope you keep watching!