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Next project is Super Seductive Snake Showdown.

I know Meth Orcs went pretty hard with the snake ladies.  Well in this project there's a snake lady of a different kind.

Genevieve is an acolyte of the snake god Glycon.  This is an unfinished shot of her.  Her animation will get another pass and Ashtar won't be so prominent in the background.

Also I gave her some scars.  

A lot of the first scene concerns Fernando withdrawing $20 from an ATM/cashpoint.

As you can see, lots of coverage for the $20.

Fernando is not impressed by her spiel.

He be turning.

I'd like to finish this in December but let's be honest I probably won't, this one will be around 3:30 - 4 minutes.  Fair bit of action near the end.  So January some time.

I'm really happy with the reception to Meth Orcs, lots of people enjoyed it and youtube did its part by recommending it to new people for a change which I appreciate.  I've written another Meth Orcs and I'm really pumped to make it some time in the next year.  

Also I've been working on a one off roleplay audio, not sure if podcast is the right word but if any of you recall Fernando's Amazing Podcast from a few years ago it's a whole episode of just the roleplay.  Now that I think of it, the above cartoon comes from one of the roleplays in the podcast.  It turned out to be a great writing exercise so I thought I'd try it again.  This one I've just written is truly rancid though I doubt it could be adapted.  Will try to get that out soonish.

Thanks for reading this far, have a great week everyone!




Hell yeah, won't say no to more of our favorite manwhore, or Meth Orcs for that matter.


Very exciting news!


If my unworthy self ever existed in the same universe as the Sexual Lobster God then I would feel compelled to place my forehead on the ground and spill out my stinky noodles oh wait.

Mima's Husband

A billion wings buzz in elated excitement


Always in the mood for more meth


I absolutely loved Fernando's amazing podcast so as soon as I read the name Genevieve I got pretty excited. I'm guessing you're not going to follow the original roleplay segment exactly though


I really loved FAP! Any thing like that would be highly welcomed.


haha nooooo chance of that. i thought about animating an adults only ending and uploading it to pornhub but i think almost no one would watch it and id get banned from patreon if i posted it here.


making Ashtar less prominent seems criminal.