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This one is aboutTracksuit guy taking a call from a mysterious stranger.  It takes place in the luscious, overgrown distant future, or does it?  It's more surreal than anything I've done in a while, but I think it is working.

All the clouds will move, haven't done that yet.

I like the pattern of this character wandering through bizarre and strange landscapes, established in the Regret cartoon.  I have another idea for him which involves catboys, but I'm not sure if I'll do it yet.  I'll see how this one goes first.

This guy is on the other end of the call, in some kind of conspiracy bunker.

The collab is still going, we have finally met the antagonist:


She's Fernando's great aunt Valencia, and she's been hiding in Fernando's scrotum since he was a child.  

You can read the whole story here if you missed it. 




Is this one aslo directed by M. Night Shamalamadingdong?

Julien Grenier

Your last Patreon posts have been so pleasurable to read. Keep up the great work!


well once again I'm writhing with anticipation


I find myself interested and aroused.