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This one was inspired by all the criticism of Pleasure Island.  I dithered on whether to do it for a couple of days but then I realised it gave me a reason to animate my self insertion character predator handshaking Goku, well that sealed the deal.

With this out of the way I will resume Mammal Juice.  I don't have anything worth sharing from it yet, I'll post again when I do.  



Grease has no form or shape, it slips in through every corner and crevice. Be like grease my friends. http://patreon.com/sexualobster https://discord.gg/cAMyP22 Goku voiced by Trexdel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJBGtQ3DpuytDy8XzA7Dn_w Inspiring quote by AlexDulDev



I made an involuntary donkey noise instead of laugh seeing the shorts and flip flops, never know what to expect from these haha. 🤣


I am down for you making short gems like this too


Truly great words to live by, what can't that Yugioh do? You're awesome and your work is awesome, keep it up and don't let those negative people get to you, especially those watching old people having sex.


This is amazingly beautiful. I love that you used Goku as the voice of reason.


"Thanks Yu-gi-oh!" Lol, that's great!


I don't believe I need to say any more than I did on YT, but I'm glad you made this video because it reminded me I've finally the means to support, and am happy to do so, an entertainer whom is among few that I can watch and re-watch the content of. Please do keep on doing what you do so well.


Like yugioh always says "Gotta catch'em all!" don't listen to those haters! I don't see how that could have been better besides a short clip of gooseman with the albatross wings sitting on a beach and everyone is staring at him and he just says "you know I really thought this would be better"


I've been meaning to join for about a week now, and honestly delaying until this came out makes me feel a little douchy. But I'll go with it :). My first exposure to the Greasy Cinematic Universe was when Raw Latex 4 was featured on Newgrounds.


It's likely you already know this, but you shouldn't brood over negative criticism, even the dumb kind. Most people operate under a consumer mentality, and don't realize the tremendous effort and planning it takes to deliver a finished product. They only see the end result, and in your case, they saw an end result that did not please them, so they felt the need to lash out for what I would consider to be non-reasons. It’s okay, and even necessary, to take advantage of sponsorships as long as you’re not sacrificing your creative integrity. It’s excruciatingly hard to make a living as an artist, and even more so trying to follow your own vision. Artists of quality, especially ones like yourself whom consistently churn out quality work, deserve to get paid, and if it means things like sponsorships, then so be it. Just know that we as the fans will be with you every step of the way to support you in what you do. You’re an exceptional artist. Nobody else quite has the ability to make work that manifests in such a specific way like you do. Everything you do oozes an unmistakable charm specific only to you and never fails to deliver quotable lines and a good time. Since I’ve first laid eyes on Pleasure Island 2 back in late 2009, you consistently solidified an image in my mind as one of the best independent animators I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. But most of all, in spite of the limitations and hurdles you’ve faced over the years working on Pleasure Island, Pleasure Island has remained one of my favorite animated continuities over the past decade. In conclusion, keep on keeping on, Chris! Your work is the gift that keeps on giving, and we’d love to see more from you! Note: We wouldn’t mind shorter works from you. Hell, even animatics or like those collaborative Pleasure Island comics you made with your community would suffice. Not everything you put out needs to be a full blown animation. I, for one, enjoy the sum of parts as a whole, so I believe enough of us would enjoy just you putting your stories out there, even if it’s not a polished, studio-produced venture. This short video alone was just a delight (Thanks, Yu-Gi-Oh!).


Honestly what Goku said was right, Just forget about it and be yourself. I've been a fan since Greasy Moose and You've never seemed to care too much of what people think. Keep the righteous path.


What bothered me was that I liked the film but lots of people didn't. Sometimes I make a stinker and I will own up to it and agree when people criticise it. I think I do deserve some blame for presenting it like it was a marvel movie or something, I have reflected on it. I talked it up into something it wasn't. The film itself I am happy with.


Thanks, that is kind of you to say. My main issue with doing shorter things is that it's quite difficult for me to write something that is short that I can get excited about making. I've written quite a few things I would like to make but they are simply too long. It was tough to put a lot of effort into this one and for it to be received negatively, but I shouldn't have presented it as something it wasn't. The vpn ad criticism is unfair and I ignore it. Also the patreon funding model makes me feel weird about charging people for smaller projects.


Stop doubting yourself. We doing pay for your art because we don't like it. Believe mother fucker. Believe in your skills.


Idk man watching old people having sex trumps watching most things. Sort of a, sure I would too whats your point? That being said the rate of petty hyper critical potato growth has been on the rise for some time. People tend to get hung up on things or have shit for perspective; In essence they don't know any better and the critique is crap.


you are not alone regarding the old people sex line, judging from some other comments. which is cool, cause hey most of us will be old some time. i feel critical of something if its almost great, or part is great and part not. if something is bad i don't bother usually. so i could look at it like that, people like the world and characters enough to bother being critical.