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I am very pleased to bring you Sweet Boy Beach - Taco Salad. 

(newgrounds mirror) 

I think I started it late last year and it must have taken somewhere between 300-400 hours to make.  Quite often I'll start disliking a cartoon when I'm over halfway on it and question my judgment in starting it.  But not this one!  I enjoyed working on it I think right up until the end (although sometimes finishing a cartoon can be brutal and this one was one of the toughest).

This is my first patreon cartoon since Fernando and the Disk of Chaos which was finished way back in February 2018.  Thank you every one for supporting this!  

You will notice I have a sponsor for this one (on the youtube version only).  I've always been wary of working with brands because I don't want to deter viewers with a brand message at the beginning of something I put so much work into.  Surfshark were happy with an ad read at the end of the cartoon, so I don't feel like the cartoon will lose viewers because of it.  

I've thought a fair bit about the title for this one.   Sweet Boy Beach - Taco Salad feels right, but I don't know if it's a clickable title.  Taco Salad doesn't seem any more appealing.  I thought about calling it simply Sweet Boy Beach.  It's never too late to change it so I'm interested in reading anyone's opinion on what the best/most clickable title is.  My girlfriend suggested Who Stole my Taco Salad? which is clickable sure but it also feels like it demeans the cartoon somehow.

Thanks again everyone and I hope you enjoy Cuthbert and Dante's first proper adventure.



Michael Wagner

Boy am I late to the party, how could I let a mere pandemic distract me from a new SBB cartoon!? Not sure if that blonde guy is challenging or coming on to Cuthbert (oh the erotic ambiguity!) but we now know Dante, at least, likes to munch a nice "taco salad", and we all vaguely guess what THAT means! All in all a beautiful shiny dolphin of an animation.