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First of all, here's a gif (5 mb, might take a while to load)

I don't seem to have a knack for gif making, it plays a bit too fast, and I don't know how to remove the jolting black frame when it repeats.

Anyway...It's still coming!  The assets phase took me longer than I thought it would.  The animation phase probably will as well, such is the way of these things.  I'm about to get to the walrus pit, where things will (spoiler alert) get somewhat emotional.

I don't really have an ETA, I usually blow right past them so I'm trying not to think about dates too much with this one.  It's coming together nicely.

Here's a short new version of the Pleasure Island 3 & 4 theme.  I haven't decided whether I'll use it, expand it or drop it yet.  It sounds way better slowed down than at the pitch I made it at.



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