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I am pleased to report that I am over 2/3 through this cartoon.  I've animated about 75% of the timeline, but there's a nugget of action at the end which must be treated with tender respect.

The header image is the very first shot, the final shot has animated waves, birds and scudding clouds but the gif doesn't look as impressive as a larger still.

I've shared an earlier version of this next one.  The greens get mashed in the gif and I'm still working on the pulse but I think it's almost there.

I probably shouldn't spoil the plot so I'll just say Dante brings a problem to Cuthbert, who is busy posing threateningly.

He successfully rallies Cuthbert to his cause.

And then they go harrass someone who is maybe best left alone.

I think I will make this guy's teeth glow.

I'm half way through my 3 weeks off Bluey.  I won't be able to finish this in the time I have left, this is one of the bigger cartoons I've made.  I have a decent shot at finishing it over the Easter break.  Bluey finishes late April/early May and then it will be all content all the time baby.  

In other news, my Banando animatic is fully monetized on youtube, which is not significant in itself but it indicates a relaxing of strictiness on the platform.  I mean, Banando is pretty adult in places.  I wish I could get them to review my numerous older cartoons that are limited or age gated.  I'd say this is either my imagination or a reaction to losing the capacity to collect children's data.  That was quite a major blow for them so it makes sense to accept that it's a platform for adults and stop dissing creators who don't make baby shit.  I'm not bitter!




Is that a JoJo Reference???


Those shiny teeth in the shadow.