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I am/was (not sure) working on a show pitch for a guy I know, I have a short cartoon idea which involves mostly the big guy on the left and the three family members to his right, and maybe pink shirt guy as well.  I'd like to try something with simpler characters and do more FBF character animation.  It's pretty fun to generate ideas this way, by just visualising characters and basic traits and going from there.  I imagine these guys live in a nation of seabirds in the distant future.  Their society is fairly rigid and organised like ours but outside their borders other animals live different and wilder lives, some have evolved intelligence, some not.  I've had the far left character for a while but haven't yet put him in anything.

I'm not too far off finishing the Bananando animatic collab - probably won't animate it since it will be 6 minutes long and I'm not convinced it's worth 2-3 months of work.  I do think it's funny though.  I'll finish it either next weekend or the next.

I'm almost finished my Sweet Boy Beach animatic, and this one I definitely plan to animate.  My scheme is to spend as much of the christmas holidays (2 weeks) on it as I can, then I'm taking 3 weeks off from Bluey in February and that will hopefully be enough time to finish it.  I have been feeling pretty low at work lately and they have agreed I can take unpaid time off to work on other things.  So hopefully new cartoon in February. 

I've seen a range of wild opinions on the COPPA/Youtube story.  It's starting to look like Youtube is writhing around trying to retain as much data on users as they can but have acknowledged they are going to take a hit.  The click screen where all the creators had to elect how they classified their content appears to be YT forcing their legal liability onto the creators.  There's also the weird question about the classifications they offered and why.  I elected that everything I've uploaded is for adults and will be in the foreseaable future.  I'm pretty safe from this one, at least in terms of legal liability, there's nothing on my channel that can be mistaken for content primarily aimed at children 12 and under.

I think there's a lot of hysteria about this topic but I can't divine if it's justified or not.  Youtube's already squeezed my channel so much I wonder if I'll notice if things get worse.




I can't find it now, but it was on E621. It was with the goat demon and the castle. Only difference was that the goat demon was braless


Yeah. You said it better than anyone else. YouTube is run by Puritans and breasts aren't really a sexual organ. If you wanted to do true censoring, censor your stuff like Japan does (just have a hair sized censor bar) or just censor female nipples with male nipples, since those don't need to be censored