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Still working on my Sweet Boy Beach concept!  I've written three episodes and some solid outlines for two more.  I don't know how far I'll take it but I think you'll at least see the first episode.  If I ever get as far as making a pitch document, the above painting could be the first or last page of the pdf.

I'm working on the animatic for Sweet Boy Beach episode 1 but most of my spare time has been going into the Fernando Animatic collab.  Check it out, it's 3:30 long already!  I initially tried to keep it clean enough that it would comply with youtube community guidelines if I animated it, but now that it's getting long and the Big Plums character has shown up that has gone out of the window.



Michael Wagner

SBB has great potential, Cuthbert and Dante present a host of lurid and absurd possibilities with their egos and narcissism and vaguely homoerotic innuendo. As long as they don't actually f--k, that would spoil it, like "Moonlighting".


I think of them both as long term batchelors, both happy singles who are too self absorbed to get horny.