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Episode 2 is delivered!  I'm not sure if they'll put it up this Sunday or wait a few weeks.  I'm very happy with it and I think it might be a bit better than Episode 1.  2 down 2 to go!  

Ep 3 is called "Great Destiny Man and the Crusher of Balls" and it's all about the return of a character some of you will recognise.

It's Tyra the Ballcrusher and she's fresh from getting kicked in the face by Great Destiny Man last week.  There's more booze in this one but no berries.  (I'm thinking of calling Episode 4 "Great Destiny Man and the Berry Good Time" so you know there will be berries).

Episode 3 centres around Great Destiny Man trying to teach Gendo the spinning back kick.  This gif is something of a spoiler so don't look at it if that bothers you.




Reaction to Episode 1 has been really positive, which is good because I think it will end up being the 3rd or 4th best of 4.  Our agreement is that I can put them on my channel 30 days after Octopie puts them on theirs, so I'm looking forward to showing everyone these.



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