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It's taking me a bit longer than I thought, but I'm used to that. I probably won't have it done until around the 10th of June...ish. I think it's turning out ok, I hope it will be as good as the first one. At this point in a project I usually have grave doubts about whether it's working or not, this one is no different. I've been thinking a fair bit about what project to do next. For a while I thought I would make The Four Horsemen: Famine & Son as that received the second most votes. However, when I look at the script, I think it's a good beginning but it's kind of like half a story, in other words it doesn't sparkle as it should. I dunno, it would probably be ok, maybe not quite as good as the first one, unless I think of a new scene that will provide some closure. Another project I'd like to make, which wasn't in the last vote because it is quite large, is called "Sweet Sweet Goo". It's a prequel of sorts to Manwhore Industries which chronicles Gooseman and his pal Putty's quest to find some fabled hallucinogenic goo. Fernando's in it but has a fairly minor role. So I thought I'd sound you guys out, if I ditched the Four Horsemen and made Sweet Sweet Goo instead, would it piss anyone off? *edit* THANKS GUYS!



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