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I haven't quite finished it, but I've gotten it to a point where I need to not look at it for a few days and then make some tiny changes, mostly relating to sound effects and one colour choice.  I'm wondering if the guy at the back of this shot should have gold armour, as it sticks out in the scene.  I quite like his overall blueness though.

It took me longer than I thought it would, it always does but I think it was worth it, as a skill building exercise if nothing else.  I'm not holding myself up as a great or even good painter, but I'm better than I was a few months ago.

Can you spot the shitting horse?  I pulled it out of my unfinished I'm a Horse cartoon.  I love a good reuse, especially when no one has actually seen it yet.  

The client is very happy with episode 1, which is great.  I'm 2/3 through storyboarding episode 2 and I think that although there is less of a story than in episode 1, the jokes are working.  Unfortunately I have to be harsher when it comes to reusing backgrounds and existing assets now, otherwise the schedule will blow out.  

They haven't quite figured out when they're going to release it.  I think it depends on when some of their other shows have some completed episodes (they're making a bunch at once).  It should be cool when they all come out though, I'll be interested to see the other shows.

More generally I'm really looking forward to being active again and releasing stuff.  It's been too long!



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