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I want to have more character animation in Falcon Hat, so I'm experimenting with the idea of dropping the amount of shading on the characters, drawing with dark grey instead of coloured lines (the way I used to up until around 2010), and using simpler mouth shapes with no jaw movement. Here's a shot I animated today in three stages.  

Super rough - this includes the second part which I haven't animated yet where he crushes a crazy bean into the punch.  I've roughed out over half of the film (which will be around 8 minutes long) in this fashion.

2nd stage

Here's what I did today (took about 6 hours)

I'm hoping this approach will make my cartoons more fun to watch, and also mean I spend more time drawing and less time mucking about with shading and other crud.  They do lose a bit of the glossiness but gain movement which is what I think most people want from a cartoon.  I'll still use my regular techniques in closeups if it looks good.

Here's two new comic pages I'm really happy with (Big Plums has just sucked down a glowing pink potion):

"That smells like bubble gum flavour!" barked Gooseman, who was mad for some reason.  

Big Plums fell to his knees, clutching his groin as it started to glow brightly, groaning and moaning like a fresh walrus still getting to grips with his new life in the Pit.

"Oh yes, I can feel it!" he shouted as his body began to heave and pulsate. 

Eidridin & Zap Gun

Then two things happened at once.  The storm broke, and Big Plums bellowed the most provocative moan that Fernando had ever heard.  This was followed by a stench that seemed oddly familiar...

Gooseman recognized it right away. “No! You wouldn’t!”

But it was too late to stop what was coming.  A herd of walruses burst from the tree line, drawn by Big Plums’s mating call and artificial walrus pheromones.




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