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The above rap is intended to be Fernando's freestyling diss rap to Big Plums (the villain in the collab comic).  It loses energy in the middle a bit, I think I might re-write or edit it down somehow for the final version.

I was waiting for Smosh to release the cartoon I animated a scene for before I made my next post but they appear to be sitting on it so....

I've started Falcon Hat!

Roughs only for some time to come I'm afraid.

This is set during a costume party Gooseman throws to try and promote Fernando's new material.  Gooseman is grinding a crazy bean into the punch here in order to give the journalists something to write about.

Perhaps you noticed that Gooseman does not appear to be wearing a costume even though it's a costume party.  Well think again!

Here we see Gooseman's halfassed costume item and also meet our antagonist, journalist for Ass monthly, Brett, who is dressed as either a puma or a panther, I haven't decided yet.

Falcon Hat will probably be around 7-8 minutes long, yes it will be a doozy.  It will have action, love, obsession, and I haven't decided whether it needs a musical performance part yet.  

I must admit I haven't picked up the Horse cartoon since finishing the Smosh cartoon, I'm more interested in this now.  I think I'll end up working on them simultaneously.

Aaaarg I can't wait my job to finish so I can work on this properly.   That's probably bad on some level.  And also retreat into my hermetic lifestyle again.  Being surrounded by people all day tires me out.  

Also I realised I can compress gifs really easily.  Sorry for the huge gifs in previous posts, I will compress them from here on out which will hopefully make these posts better for your bandwidth.

Here's the pages for the diss rap:

Fernando knew his time hanging around on street corners would pay off eventually. He had witnessed many a rap battle, and started his flow.  

*diss rap*

Gooseman added a desultory "woahh" but without his trademark autotune it fell flat and felt like an unnecessary addition. 

Shocked by the mellifluos energy of Fernando's rhymes, Big Plums spun out, his chin hitting the grass painfully. “This was a dance off, morons” Big Plums spat. 

It was pointed out that Fernando's had it pretty easy in this comic, he has yet to be truly challenged.  And I agree, I don't think it will have any resonance if he is not tested.  So I guess it still has some ways to go.

Thanks for reading my super cool post to the end!



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