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I've got a collaboration with Berzerk Studio out at the moment.  You can read about it here. 

I'm making a new Pointless Show video that will have some more info.   The Zombidle game is on steam and its free.  You can access the Pleasure Island level after a few minutes of gameplay, go to the event portal.  It ends 5th March.

It's been a few days short of a month since I published the final version of Fernando and the Disk of Chaos and I'm sorry I have been slow to inform you of my next project.

At first I thought I would animate the Bush Friends comic, then I thought I'd animate the Captain Planet: Climate Cops idea. 

I've decided to do neither and I've started on an old music video idea I had about a horse.  And no, it's not Horse Person. How many horse songs can one person have?!  Well, in my case, two.

It will be something along the lines of Final Form or My Mother in Law is a Scorpion in terms of size, I want to stuff it full of cool animation and try some tricky stuff that will stretch me.

I have to fess up though: my progress on it will be very slow.  I've spent most of my spare time since Disk of Chaos working on the Fernando comic.  

We're already halfway through the season of the kids show, so another 6 months to go.  It will probably seem like I'm hibernating until it's finished.  And just in case some of you are wondering, the update video I'm making and the comic are not patreon projects, only finished cartoons are patreon projects.

At this stage I would like to attempt another large Fernando project when I finish on the show but I am not sure which one yet (I'm attempting to write some new ones but not very actively).

Finally I'd like to share Fernando and the Grapefruit Black Market.

I realised that there was nowhere someone could easily absorb the story from start to current and that made it difficult to contribute, so the above link is the most accessible version of the comic so far.  I'll have two new pages up in a few days.



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