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I would like to share with you a comic I drew that will closely echo the Bush Friends comic I posted a month or so ago.

Since Bush Friends was...let's say excessively sexy, and I observed that my natural inclination was to go straight "there", I thought I'd try placing a restriction on this one: no sexual content.

Not to talk it down, but I don't like it as much.  I think there is some good stuff in there, and perhaps you will enjoy it.

I'm still trying to decide if I should animate Bush Friends.  I'm leaning towards doing it, but without the lengthy flash back scene.  Remove that and it suddenly becomes quite a manageable project.  Although I do like the flash back, it doesn't really serve the story at all.  I would like to animate some non human characters for a change though.

In other news, I've been really happy with the reception for Fernando and the Disk of Chaos.  People are loving it, and I can't remember being this jazzed from a reaction to something I made since my early days of animating.  I will say the obvious, it would be nice if more people were watching it.  I guess it's not something that is really appropriate to share.  I am happy to see though that the amount of people who are checking out my other cartoons after watching Disk of Chaos is much higher than usual.

Anyways, give this comic a read if you feel like it.  I've only showed one friend and he said he liked it but wasn't as positive as he was about Bush Friends.



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