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Here's the three together:

Episode 1 

Episode 2 

Episode 3 

I almost can't believe this is finished.  I started the series back in March, and I've spent over 3 months of solid work time on it.

A lot has changed since March, mostly on a little site known as youtube.com, which I was unfortunately too dependent on.  I won't even both trying to monetise this when I publish it.  

The next thing I need to do is to go back and tweak the first two episodes, and then edit them together into a seamless 7 minute cartoon.  There are a number of things that occurred to me only after I finished the first two.  For example, I found an empty picture frame in Episode 2! (see if you can spot it)

Now that it's done, viewing the three together feels great.  I think it's good work and I'm glad I made it, but it's a terrible introduction to the characters.  I wonder if I should have put the time into something that is more accessible, something that would interest people not already familiar with Fernando.  Something I could send to a network or a video on demand organisation and they might be like "ooh yes we'll have more of this".

I also need to decide what to make next!  Although this isn't the end of Fernando and Gooseman, I think I should take a break from them and try something else.  Here's the short list of things I've narrowed it down to:

Bush Friends (an animation of this comic I posted a month or so ago)

Pro: Something totally new and different

Con: It's massive

Horse Person music video

Pro: Its a good tune and it's something normies might like.

Con: It's a one off music video so it doesn't build on to anything or lead anywhere.  

The Four Horsemen - Famine & Son (My girlfriend suggested this today)

Pro: It's a good script

Con: It's really foul, and also the characters are really detailed and I think I'm in the mood for something with simpler designs that I can animate more.

Another idea was storyboarding Fernando and the Phallus of Glycon, which I wrote about a while ago, my half hour Pleasure Island epic, which unlike The Disk of Chaos is accessible to new viewers and I still think is the best thing I've written.

Pro: Great way to get something huge started.  Accessible Fernando!  One of the things I want to make before I die.  And I could die at any time.

Con: Too big to actually animate, could fry my brain.

There's a couple of other things but those are at the top of my list right now.  Your thoughts and suggestions are welcome!

Finally, I want to thank you all for supporting for my work yet again.  This gigantic beast of a cartoon would not exist without you all and patreon!  I hope you enjoy The Disk of Chaos, and I'm sorry if you don't.

I will share the edit of the three together when it's done, which will hopefully be the final version of the series.


Fernando and the Disk of Chaos - Episode 3


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