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Here's some juicy WIPs (work-in-progressessess) for you.  Contains some spoilers for those of you who haven't read the comic.

The BG for the title gif is half finished, I'm going to change the colour of the mountain range because it's a bit intense but otherwise this shot is almost there.

This guy makes a return. (The gifs are quite fast btw, I can't seem to get them to play at the correct speed.)

If anyone has a link to a good pillar shaped anime explosion, preferably but not necessarily turning into a mushroom cloud, I'd like to see it.  I had a quick look but could not turn up anything good.  I can do an explosion without a reference but 2D effects aren't really my strong suit and a reference would help.  You can see some elements from previous explosions I'm going to reuse but I'd like the main event to be new.

Also here's the latest video from the collab comic. 

Quick note: I animated this for Benny. He appears to have botched the export so it's only available in 360p, which is a real shame, but it might look all right if you're watching on a phone.

Now that I'm bearing down on finishing the Fernando toon (not imminently but kinda soonish) I can start to think about what to do next.

I have written a fair bit about Fernando and the Phallus of Glycon, my half hour Pleasure Island odyssey (I'm also writing two other long form Fernando & Gooseman stories, not super actively but they are creeping along).  One idea I had was to make a polished animatic of the whole thing, with first draft voice acting and music.  When complete I could use it to pitch a potential series which, lets face it, sounds really weird.  This is how it comes across in text:

An aging gigolo (Fernando) and a sociopathic hustler (Gooseman) must retrieve a powerfully erotic relic in order to save a remote island resort from a bloodthirsty cult of gimps.  

Perhaps that sounds good to you...?  Now imagine you are a completely regular person who has never heard of me or my cartoons before.  A nice animatic will clearly spell out what I want to do.  If I couldn't convince anyone to fund it, and I didn't feel confident I could crowd fund it, I could just publish it, and people could view the story in a raw form.  At least in that scenario it will be out there and I will have given it my best.

I could also try this but with the Mongoose Man episodes I've been very occasionally chipping away at.  These are 2-3 minutes rather than 30 minutes.

Another option is to keep making cartoons, either by myself or perhaps even using some of the patreon funds to hire an animator to help me with the grunt work.  I've still got a while to decide.

So now a question for anyone who's made it to the bottom of this post.  Are there any House of Squid comics that you think deserve to be animated, or any of the recent Fernando and Gooseman tracks from the podcasts that deserve a music video?  



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