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Firstly, sorry for disappearing for the past 3 weeks.  I've had two jobs, and have also had to sort out my yearly tax bulldust in that time.  But I'm going to finish one of the jobs this weekend, so I'm looking forward to resuming the Fernando comic and also Gooseman's lactation song.

I've been given another episode to do on the show and my first one seemed to go down well.  They screened the animatic, which is my storyboard edited together with voices and sound, and another episode last night after work.  I very rarely see my work combined with other people's and it's even rarer for me to be present when my work is screened somewhere.  

So yeh, I wanted to let those of you who are interested know it's quite likely I'll be working on the show for some time, but now that my evenings and weekends are free I will be able to resume my projects, including the Fernando cartoon.  I've written a new patreon landing page text to let new people know.  However long my absence is, no one will be charged during this time, and when I do return, I'll post well ahead.  (I'm going to keep posting anyway when I have project related stuff to talk about)

Thanks again for supporting me and my cartoons.  When I return to animating them seriously, I think I need to come back with a clearer action plan.  

My music videos seem to be what does best on youtube, but they don't take me anywhere in terms of opening new opportunities.  Making series appears to be how to best advance my career as a director and writer, but nothing I've made recently appears to have been just the right thing.  None of my attempts to generate longer form or regular content have appeased the youtube beast (and I am tired of trying).

I love writing and wallowing in the Fernando & Gooseman universe that I and the viewers have created, but what is the best way to animate some nice big juicy adventures of theirs, and is it wise to even attempt this feat?  Obviously the most pressing thing is to finish the final episode of the Disk of Chaos series.  I will keep plugging away at it when I can.

That's what's on my mind.  I hope you're all doing well!


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