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Here's a fresh and nutritious new track if you will let it into your heart. 

(Joke explainer: artichokes have hearts.  I could have also gone with "heartichoke".)

This is another collab song from the podcast.  

In other news, episode 4 of the amazing podcast is going to be MORE AMAZING than the previous ones, which were all amazing.

I've got about 90% of the dialogue recorded for Razor Blades.  I've done 99% of the character assets and have started on the animation.  I pictured it being a 60 second cartoon but turns out it's more like 90 seconds.  It's in that messy phase in the middle when sometimes I'm like "oh no it's a piece of crap and its not working" but I think this one will pull together and be interesting.  Not sure what I'm doing for the music yet.

I haven't decided on a title for this track yet.  Either "Broken Heartichoke" or "Artichoke my Dong".

Here's the lyrics if you need them:


I'm not telling any more jokes, 

We are out of preserved artichokes

Can you go to the store?

Poor and stranded on a hateful ocean

Hunger pangs fill me with emotion. - Mark Russell

I am desperate for more!

No drink can meet my need,

Not whiskey, juice nor tasty mead. - Legend of Anowon

Meaty leaves all slathered in butter, 

Their touch sets my heart a'flutter - kaiawase


I walk full of aggression 

Down this path of leafy obsession - Grushpea

Oh please God, hear me plead.

I shall offer you my seed. - Legend of Anowon

So tangy and so pungent, coated in slimy unguent - Toothygrin 

Starvation impending. - Rota Abyssian 

Peel it back, leaf by leaf,

A steady rhythm will make me queef - Mr. Epic Noah

Poverty unending, - Rota Abyssian 

I could marinate them in tea, 

Or just rub them all over me, - straydogontheroad 

Open your ears to this terrible song 

It’s time to artfully choke my dong - Grushpea



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