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The first episode got a pretty good reaction, some people seemed to get into it, so here's episode 2.  

Episode 2 really tests a concept, because many who took a look at the first ep out of curiosity know that it's not for them.  I hope people keep engaging with it though because it's pretty fun to make, particularly the song collabs.

I said in my last post I was considering a music video for the Milk song collab that's in this.  For now I've gone off that idea.  I'm working on another cartoon kind of like Cat Arms but not really at all.  I'll post about it in a few days when I have some more to show.

Which brings me to the hot topic of today, I put my computer into sleep mode this morning and it wouldn't wake up.  I hard reset it and what do you know?  NTFS file system scrambled.  Curse you windows 10, this is actually the second time this has happened to me.  The first time was worse, it effectively wiped the hard drive.  This time it just corrupted the windows installation, and my cartoon .fla file that I had open.  But happily I can import the art I've done from the .swf and keep going, I only lost half an hour of work, but it took like 5 hours to go back to windows 7 and re-install everything.  Also I think I'm getting a cold so today sucks!   I'm back now, and apologies for the long whinge...



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