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The rule on youtube is that videos less than a minute in length won't or almost never get video ads.  As a result, almost all of my cartoons are over 1 minute in length.  

It occurred to me a few days ago that since ad revenue isn't a major factor anymore, the 1 minute rule is less relevant.  But also, with enough shorts I could make an animated sketch show.

I went back and rewatched most of my House of Squid cartoons, that is, cartoons that are based on comic jams drawn by my friends and I (we called our collaboration House of Squid for some reason).  I found that I really liked some of them and disliked others.  I had forgot about Dancebreak and Knife Dance, but I like both of them.  I hate Calcium Wrath, it's such a bad cartoon, and the one about Ray Romano is pretty bad as well.  I think my favourites are Meth Orcs and Revenge of the Manatees.

Also I was struck by how bad the ones are when I do too many voices.  This is probably obvious to everyone else but inside the bubble of subjectivity I'm in when I make them its not to me, or it's something I'm aware of but foolishly choose to think it doesn't matter.

So suddenly I feel like short cartoons have been unlocked for me as a prospect.  Mongoose Man (the guy I posted about last week) also fits in with this idea although his story is quite long.  I've started animating one of the oldest and best House of Squid comics.  I won't say which one yet but I'll post bits of it when it starts to come together.



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