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If you missed my last post, I paused patreon last month on the 23rd for a month to do a short storyboarding job. It will resume tomorrow, the job went fine and I ended up spending a lot of the month on the cartoon anyway. The title gif above heavily referenced the spinning back kick animation I made for one of the Great Destiny Man cartoons back in 2019:

I thought it would save me time and I guess it did but it still ended up taking forever. The dude falling into the walrus pit was new of course. Here's some bean crazed tourists:

 These guys behave a bit like zombies, they wander around, grunting and growling. I'm not certain what they'd do with Randy if they caught her. I'll leave that to the viewer's imagination.

I'm not certain how I'll make the perfect squeak/smear sound for the next one. I know how it should sound in my mind but not how I'll get there.

I anticipate that I'll have the first part finished over the next few weeks. I still plan to post it here when it's finished, as this is a large project and I want to be able to show progress, and it helps me mentally to treat large cartoons as a string of episodes. It's fine to skip it in favour of waiting for the finished cartoon.



Jonathan J Rainone

This looks so cool; I imagine maybe a dirty dry windshield wiper would make a good squeak sound. I can’t speak for everyone but just because you are not actively doing work on this project does not mean you need to pause payments. Art is a process, and the idea is to support the artist to give them more independence and choices with the work they want to do and not a direct money for art output.


Thanks yeh something dry being wiped over glass would work, I havent looked in my sound banks yet. I probably would leave patreon going if it was small pledges only but at least half of the income comes from the larger pledges and I'd feel like I was scamming if I didnt pause it when I work.