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This one will be a doozy. I decided to throw caution to the wind and add some action shots that aren't strictly necessary to tell the story but are things I want to try or that will make the cartoon better. I haven't added any voices yet so I don't know precisely how long it will be but probably somewhere between 5:30 and 6 minutes which for me is very long. The start and end are quite dense, the middle not so much.

I only have extreme roughs to show so far. Sometimes I put more polish into storyboards but with so much to do I chose to smash through it loosely.

Drawing thumbs is step 1 of my process. This is page 1 of 4.

Next I draw them up (still in a primitive way) in Animate (formerly Flash) and add movement that can be simply expressed, camera moves etc.

Here is shots 1 to 3. Is there a more peaceful and soothing way for a story to begin?

 This is an old drawing I did of a huge gimp that lives on Gimp Mountain. You'll finally be seeing him in a cartoon.

He also appears in The South American Swap Meat with a different costume. I think he is cussing Fernando out here but I'm retconning him to be non verbal, only capable of soulful groans.

Long time viewers may remember the crab parlour. It was destroyed in Pleasure Island 3 but has been rebuilt since.

I don't feel I've given too much away in this post, I may have to in subsequent posts to avoid the impression that I've gone dark, so feel free to ignore them. However, I am aiming to finish and share scene 1 for patrons only, much like I did with Fernando and the Disk of Chaos some years back. I found sharing with patrons in instalments was very helpful in motivating me to not leave things incomplete, and the more incomplete things I have to do at the very end, the more painful and difficult finishing a cartoon is, for me anyway.

Thanks for reading! I will post again when I have a few finished shots to show.




Excited to see!


Excited to see the return of the crab parlour, and the walrus pit is a classic opening shot. 😍