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The above track is a short wiggles parody song I'm working on for the credits. I want to add a guitar solo and another verse at the end. I haven't been playing guitar much recently though...I wonder if I can pull it off. If there's no guitar solo in the track when it's finished then you'll know I could not! If you're not familiar with the Wiggles, they are a very famous Australian children's entertainment group.

This afternoon I will fix up the two remaining shots that I've left unfinished, so it should be done visually. 95% of the sound effects are in, if it's quiet I'll record some sounds today as well. I need to chug some water and simulate someone desperately writhing on a carpet.

I have been lax with the music. Because this cartoon is the first and only Gazza cartoon I have no previous tracks to use as a starting point. I'm hesitant to lean on real Witcher OSTs. So as a result I'm staring at scenes without music and I'm not sure what should be there yet.

I experimented with recutting Knife Dance, a cartoon I made in 2012, from 16:9 to 9:16 format. I noticed it was an unusually center composed cartoon so it was suitable to be smooshed into phone resolution.

I am still undecided what to make next. For a while I was toying with ideas that could be broken into shorts, because I'm aware I need to upload more often to keep interest alive while I'm working on large projects. But I struggle to work up enthusiasm for shorts. I would much rather create something longer and more meaningful and hopefully entertaining, though that seems to have less appeal than it used to.

I will describe the 4 projects at the top of my list. I don't even know for sure that I'll choose one of them but they are at the top right now. In no particular order:


In the mountains of South America Randy and Gooseman are fleeing from a criminal gang that Gooseman stole from. Also the gang leader is in love with Randy.

Length: 4 minutes ish. Might take 3 months. Not many characters but a fair bit of action.

Meth Orcs - Milk Bar

Treshtog and Fanny stop at an orc village. Fanny wants an authentic orc village experience while Treshtog just wants to drink orc milk. This one is lighter in tone and more comedic than the previous episodes.

Length: 4 minutes ish. Same as Randy, around 3 months. Less action than previous eps but there will be GNOME DANCING.

Ragemelon: Deadlock

That's right, a new Ragemelon cartoon. But this one is set during the Vietnam war. Ragemelon challenges Admiral Melon to a game of twister when he tries to court martial him.

Length: 2:00-2:30. Not a big project. Probably no more than 6 weeks.


I've been tinkering with this idea for a long time. It's a medieval story about a young man looking for love who possesses a magical staff....that groans.

Length: 2:30 ish. Maybe 2 months.



Any interest in bringing back the Four Horseman?


I've had a Four Horseman script ready to go for years. Every time I read it I think yep this is good I should make it.


I always like it when you bring back some old stuff so I'm pretty excited about Ragemelon.


Groanstaff sounds like a classic in the making


Meth orks has somehow become your staple animations now which I'm glad to hear that they are popular since they are always entertaining, but to hear that we get not only pleasure island but also rage melon after your wiggles plans is a real treat! I'm excited to hear more about Groanstaff, whenever you have ideas that percolate in your brain for a bit they end up having real passion behind them!


It's weird I leave things if I'm stumped or uninspired and sometimes looking at them a year later what needs to change is clear. I like the Groanstaff idea a lot but I haven't made it before now because I wasn't sure how to end it.