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Very happy with my thumbnail painting above, the shadowy figure is kinda the elf and also the dog beast, which doesn't make sense but the Elf's silhouette wasn't ominous enough.  I wanted the dog beast to have eyes like that in the cartoon but apparently its too similar to the berserk dog.  So no one in the cartoon has eyes like that but whatever it's a thumbnail.

I never thought the toy would take this long!  It is finally ready.  We did manage to have a detachable axe in the end, we do have a pouch which sits on his belt but the factory said they couldn't make it detachable because was too small for velcro and the wrong fabric.

I'm not sure which day yet but the toy will be activated this week some time and also finally I will be able to share Meth Orcs publicly (I posted it for you all while back if you missed it).  Feel like I am at the end of a very long race.  Enough time has elapsed I actually feel like I could start another Meth Orcs but I probably won't just yet.

I have 30 seconds left to animate for Gazza of Penrith.  Not including unfinished shots, of which there are only a few.  I haven't done any work on it but I have a fair idea of how the music will sound.  I'm going to try and incorporate a mouth harp.

Australians might recognise this guy, he's Simon from the Wriggles.  (I'm calling them the Wriggles instead of the Wiggles to help make it clear it's a parody.)

Australians might also recognise the beer labeling, it's intended to be VB or Victoria Bitter, a very distinctive and gross beer we Australians love apparently because we are disgusting gremlins.

This is Anthony the guy who likes fruit.  I pulled this guitar straight out of Space Adventure Legend Quest, a series I made 12 years ago.

I will post again this week when the toy comes out with a patron discount, thanks for reading!




I was curious about Victoria Bitter. The best I can find is they launched a woke campaign that made people mad in Canada, it was not considered a great beer in export markets and tried to pull a Guiness but forgot it also had to taste good.


I don't blame them for trying, XXXX and Fosters are or were both very successful internationally. In my opinion VB is worse than both of them but not by a huge distance.


Space adventure legend quest coming in clutch with the assets xD